Lost in Blue Wiki

Grubbs.grady121 Grubbs.grady121 1 January 2016

Lost in Blue 2

I played Lost in Blue a month after it had come out in the US and Europe regions, and I was very young. So when i played I had no idea what to do and I gave up on it almost immideatly. Today, at 18 years old, I exchanged some games and picked up Lost in Blue 2. 

I played it honestly for a while before i initally gave up and ordered a cheating device for the game. Now I have completed it three times, twice by cheating and one honestly. I am not knowledgable with the other games, but I can and will contribute to the second game and bring up it's reputation here. In all honesty, not a lot of peole play this series anymore, as it was mostly popular in Japan. 

But in my free time, between school and internships, I can work on this wiki to improve i…

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